In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the only God.

O Father, our God, King of the Times, Almighty, You whose sun rises on the wicked as on the good and who sends rain on the just as on the unjust, You who, in Babylon, have changed into dew the seven times incandescent furnace, You who have protected and saved your three valiant saints, You, the Doctor who heals our souls, You who are the security of those who believe in You, We ask You to dismiss, to break and to drive away from your servant all treacherous deeds, all aggression of Satan, all evil intrigue and all perverse attempts, as well as any damage or wrong coming from the envious eyes of the wicked who cause evil.

If something like this has happened to our friend, whether his beauty, his courage, his happiness (or anything) has been the subject of jealousy or envy - that this evil was provoked by some writing or by the attack of the evil eye - You, Lord, friend of men, extend to him your powerful hand, your strong and invincible arm, help your servant N. Send An angel of peace whose strength will preserve his soul and his body, so that he will repulse and banish from him all evil ideas and all attacks of the envious eyes.

You, Lord Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth and populated the universe, You who sent the Archangel Gabriel to Nazareth to announce to the Virgin that she would carry your Son in her womb, He who changed the water in wine at the wedding of Cana, You who have accepted the prayer of your prophet Elijah and the cries of those who called you to help, You who created man in your image and likeness as well as his Guardian Angels, stand by your servant N. Protect him (her) from evil spirits, invisible and visible enemies, give him (her) restful sleep, remove from him (her) all fantasy and satanic spirit. We ask you this by the intercession of Our Lady, Mother of Light, as well as by all the saints and luminous Angels. So be it!